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Criterion of reference dynamics of development of innovative project-oriented enterprises

  • en-GB

Criterion of reference dynamics of development of innovative project-oriented enterprises

Россошанська Ольга Валентинівна

In the era of the knowledge economy, the main type of enterprises that are most appropriate to the features of its functioning are innovative project-oriented enterprises. The work of such enterprises is associated with a high degree of uncertainty, which is synergistically enhanced by the main source of their development - the implementation of innovative projects. This makes it difficult to apply traditional parameters and evaluation criteria for their activities to effectively manage their functioning and development. Promising in this regard is the application of criteria developed on the basis of the holistic application of the concepts of temporal indicators, value approach and intellectual capital. The article describes the approach to the construction of the criterion of reference dynamics, which takes into account the accumulated experience of applying the criterion previously developed by us in real enterprises and the practice of its application by other researchers. The developed eight-component reference criterion for assessing the development process fully meets the proposed management principles. For its application, the values of the coefficients of inversion significance for the actual time series, as well as the weight coefficients for the components of the coefficient of decrease in the integral development indicator, are calculated. The latter takes into account the deviation of the actual values of the rates of growth of indicators from 100% in the direction of decrease. Taking into account the proposed two coefficients showed that for real IPOE the values of the integral development indicator can differ by four or more times in the direction of decrease compared with the calculations without taking them into account.