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Blockchain technology in the tourist sphere: realities of today

  • Автор: ,
  • Рік:
  • Категорія: Матеріали конференцій
  • Підрозділ: Кафедра туризму
  • Сторінок: 3
  • ISBD: Melko L. Blockchain technology in the tourist sphere: realities of today / L. Melko, G. Uvarova // Abstracts II International Conference on economics, accounting and finance (Tallinn, Estonia. November 05, 2021).

Blockchain technology in the tourist sphere: realities of today

Liudmyla Melko, Ganna Uvarova

Blockchain is a database of all operations performed in the system. It is organized in the form of a chain of blocks of information, each of which records a certain number of operations. Each subsequent block contains part of the information of the previous block. One of the most important aspects of blockchain technology is that data is decentralized and information is shared on a peer-to-peer basis. Each block contains transaction information and a timestamp. Blocks are also permanent and cannot be changed without consensus with the entire network and without changing all subsequent blocks. The decentralized, constant, time-bound and unchanging nature of the data recorded in the blockchain means that the data is more secure, traceable and transparent.

Keywords: blockchain; digitalization; turism