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Specifics of financial support of restaurant establishments in Ukraine

  • Автор: ,
  • Рік:
  • Категорія: Матеріали конференцій
  • Підрозділ: Кафедра туризму
  • Сторінок: 4
  • ISBD: Havryliuk S. Specifics of financial support of restaurant establishments in Ukraine / S. Havryliuk, T. Lytvynova // Relationship between public administration and business entities management: proceedings 2nd International Conference (November 12, 2022 in Tallinn, Estonia). - Tallinn: Scientific Center of Innovative Researches, 2022.

Specifics of financial support of restaurant establishments in Ukraine

Svitlana Havryliuk, Tetiana Lytvynova

The restaurant industry in Ukraine is currently developing in difficult economic conditions. Modern features of the functioning of restaurants in Ukraine are the high intensity of competition, the gradual decrease in clientele (not only due to the evacuation of local residents under the influence of the military threat, but also due to the decrease in the level of income of the population, the increase in prices for products and services used in the process of their production commercial activity of the enterprise, etc.); complicating access to investment and credit resources, the need to implement innovations and their high cost, staff turnover, etc. Some of the listed problems can be solved by permanent monitoring of the finances of restaurant enterprises, which will allow timely identification of negative trends in the work of establishments and minimize their possible negative consequences.

Keywords: restaurant; financial support; business; development