Formation of the project team by the criterion of potential subjective well-being of the candidates in the project

  • Автор:
  • Рік:
  • Категорія: Дисертації‚ автореферати‚ відгуки
  • Спеціальність: Менеджмент
  • Підрозділ: Навчально-науковий інститут інформаційних та комунікаційних технологій
  • Сторінок: 153
  • УДК: УДК 005.83:159.942
  • ISBD: Osakwe I. Formation of the project team by the criterion of potential subjective well-being of the candidates in the project. Thesis is aimed to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy degree of “KROK” University in Management, majoring specialty is 05.13.22 «Project and program management». – «KROK» University, Kyiv, 2019.
  • en-GB

Osakwe I. Formation of the project team by the criterion of potential subjective well-being of the candidates in the project. – Qualification scientific dissertation manuscript.

Thesis is aimed to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy degree of “KROK” University in Management, majoring specialty is 05.13.22 «Project and program management». – «KROK» University, Kyiv, 2019.

Object of a research is processes of managing a project team.

Subject of a research is a process of forming a project team based on SWB parameter.

Practical value. Utilizing of the research findings and recommendations provides forming a project team from a limited number of candidates with the maximum possible degree of compatibility, thus to identify its strengths and weaknesses by subjective well-being parameter prior to the beginning of the teamwork. Due to the invariance, they are applicable in projects of any classes, types, kinds, and other contextual features. The most significant practical result of the research is the methodic of the project team forming based on the SWB parameter, which introduces developed approach, models and methods.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusions, list of references and attachments, placed on 152 pages. The text body is presented on 117 pages, it contains 21 tables and 20 figures. The list of references includes 137 sources and placed on 14 pages, 10 attachments placed on 22 pages

Кeywords: project team formation, personal profile, subjective well-being, team coherence coefficient, evaluation scale.

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