Configuring project portfolios based on cumulative discounted flows

  • Автор:
  • Рік:
  • Категорія: Дисертації‚ автореферати‚ відгуки
  • Спеціальність: Менеджмент
  • Підрозділ: Навчально-науковий інститут інформаційних та комунікаційних технологій
  • Сторінок: 279
  • УДК: УДК 001.51:005.83:336.777.7
  • ISBD: Abdulkadir K. Configuring project portfolios based on cumulative discounted flows. Thesis is aimed to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy degree of «KROK» University in Management. – «KROK» University, Kyiv, 2020
  • en-GB

Abdulkadir K. Configuring project portfolios based on cumulative discounted flows – Qualification scientific dissertation manuscript.

Thesis is aimed to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy degree of «KROK» University in Management. – «KROK» University, Kyiv, 2020.

Project portfolio management is one of the most rapidly developing areas in project management nowadays. In portfolios management activities, the «cornerstone» is their formation. Increasing complexity of portfolios, their multi-purpose character activated appearance of new «configuring» approach to the portfolio selection based on a logical methodological technique of synthesizing diverse knowledge, different systemic ideas (projections) of the same object. By now, the elements of the configuring approach have already been partially implemented in theory and practice. However, the configuring approach remains a non-explicit one. That is why its use is more intuitive in nature and is limited to portfolios with a small number of projects. With an increase in their number and the essential variety of expected results, the problem of the formation of a rational portfolio is complicated by orders of magnitude. And under conditions of project funding flow that is alternating in time, the problem becomes almost unsolved without specially developed software. The development of such software implies the availability of a scientifically sound and explicitly presented method of configuring. In this regard, the scientific and practical problem of development of the method of portfolio formation by configuring the projects-candidates by flow characteristics is relevant nowadays. The expediency of solving such a problem is enhanced by the expansion of the use of management of large social-economic entities based on multi-purpose project portfolios.

Object of a research is processes of the project portfolio formation.

Subject of a research is a process of the project portfolio formation based on configuring technic considering discounted cumulative flows of projects costs and expected results.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of introduction, five chapters, conclusions, list of references and attachments, placed on 279 pages. The text body is presented on 171 pages, it contains 22 tables and 82 figures. The list of references includes 255 positions from 235 sources, and placed on 26 pages, 8 attachments placed on 82 pages.

Кeywords: project portfolio formation, multi-purpose portfolio, project/portfolio configurator, project flow characteristic, portfolio configuring, projects feasibility and attainability norms, normalized value of the discounted cumulative flow, portfolio configuration criterion

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