Financial policy rules in the educational sphere: substantiation algorithm

Financial policy rules in the educational sphere: substantiation algorithm

Iryna Radionova, Vira Usyk

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the educational sphere financial rules, what can answer the question of how education financing indices must change under the alteration of mac-roeconomic indices, which determine the national economy state. The authors are investigating the issue regarding the substantiation and specification of educational sphere financial rules and relat-ed public administration benefits. The research has applied the fiscal and monetary rules analysis methodology. The applied result of the education financing rules substantiation issue research con-sists in the application of the algorithm, which covers 5 stages: rules idea formulation, the assess-ment of variables relationships significance according to the rules idea, the selection of endoge-nous and exogenous variables with significant relationships, the definition of gaps between the actual and trend values of the selected variables, the derivation of the equation of dependencies between the gaps.

Keywords: government policy rules, monetary, fiscal rules, educational sphere

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