Practice-oriented education as a component of professional training of tourism specialists (example of professional disciplines)

  • Автор: , , ,
  • Рік:
  • Категорія: Статті
  • Дисципліна: Географія туризму
  • Спеціальність: Туризм, Туристичне обслуговування, Організація і економіка туризму
  • Підрозділ: Кафедра туризму
  • Сторінок: 9
  • ISBD: Practice-oriented education as a component of professional training of tourism specialists (example of professional disciplines) / L. Melko, G. Uvarova, T. Sokol, O. Mikho // Pedagogy and Education Management Review. - 2022. - Iss. 2(8). - Pp. 42-50.

Practice-oriented education as a component of professional training of tourism specialists (example of professional disciplines)

Liudmyla Melko, Ganna Uvarova, Tatiana Sokol, Olena Mikho

The article is devoted to practice-oriented training as a component of professional training of tourism specialists. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the importance of practice-oriented training of future tourism specialists using the example of studying professional disciplines, developing a system of practice-oriented activities aimed at the formation of professional competencies in accordance with the standard for specialty 242 "Tourism". In the process of research, the authors used such scientific methods as the analysis and systematization of practical experience in the organization of the educational process, the competence approach, surveys, reflection of the students of higher education and the authors' own pedagogical experience. The research substantiates the importance of practice-oriented training of future tourism specialists, identifies its components, and improves the conceptual and terminological apparatus. The meaningful content of practice-oriented events is offered in accordance with professional competencies and professional educational disciplines. The essence and content of practice-oriented activities are revealed. Emphasis is placed on the problems of implementation of practice-oriented education in modern conditions and the possibilities of its implementation, taking into account offline and online education, are revealed. The conditions for the successful implementation of practice-oriented training are highlighted.

Keywords: practice-oriented training, practice-oriented events, tourism, professional competences, professional educational disciplines, tourism specialists.

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