Actual directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises

Actual directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises

Oksana Kyrychenko

The article explores current directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises with the introduction of new, revolutionary technologies consisting of three main key components: providing state support and stimulating scientific and technical activities; assistance in promoting newly created innovations in industrial production; formation and development of the ecosystem of Industry 4.0. The purpose of the article is to study the current directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises. The main objectives are to study the directions of state support for the introduction of new technologies and the renewal of production capacities of enterprises; systematization and classification of these areas, research of conditions and technologies that will ensure the technological and economic development of enterprises and ensure the development of a new digital economy in the country and active social and economic development. In order to substantiate the actual directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises, a logical, dialectical approach and methods of scientific knowledge were applied: observation, comparison, abstraction. The comprehensive, systematic introduction of these innovations is possible to transfer innovation activity in Ukraine to a new level of high-tech digital development and will ensure dynamic integration, industrial introduction of newly created innovations, strengthen the relationship between science, education and industrial production and build a new national ecosystem of "Industry 4.0" in Ukraine on its basis. The main priority areas of technological development are: the field of information and communication technologies; Engineering; aerospace; military industrial complex; complex engineering; creation of new materials; and the creation of technologies in the field of alternative energy. These sectors are important, their development will have a significant impact on the development of other areas and industries. An important task in the development of innovative technologies of scientific technological developments with the introduction of technologies is the formation and development of the domestic market of technological innovations, companies that create innovations, their offers on the market and companies, enterprises that are in demand for these implementations.

Keywords: innovation, industrial development, regulation and stimulation of innovative development, digital technologies.

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