Psychological models of conflict management in organizations

  • Автор:
  • Рік:
  • Категорія: Матеріали конференцій
  • Підрозділ: Кафедра іноземних мов та загальноосвітніх дисциплін
  • Сторінок: 4
  • УДК: УДК 159.99
  • ISBD: Soroka I. Psychological models of conflict management in organizations / I. Soroka // World science: problems, prospects and innovations: Abstracts of the 2nd International scientific and practical conference. - Toronto: Perfect Publishing, 2020. - Pp. 165-168

Psychological models of conflict management in organizations

Soroka Iryna Ph.D. in Psychology Assistant professor Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences Sonipat, India

The objective of the article is to introduce the author’s model of conflict management in organizations. It includes two blocks: “Diagnosis” of subjective (socio-psychological) and objective factors and “Strategic actions” at the subjective and objective levels for their correction.

Keywords: conflict management, socio-psychological factors, diagnosis, strategic actions.

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